Artos Preview

Project Overview:

Artos is an finance accounting system based on web app, with a subscription based model business.

Problem Statement:

At that time, we already have a web accounting system. But, it is a painful when we want to develop for more features because the outdated tech and also it’s system is still limited to the B2B business.

But the stakeholders want a solution that the app can be used too for B2B, and also for middle class entrepreneur to have their own digital accounting system with affordable price.

So we have to rewrite it with new UI/UX and new modern tech.

Notes: The original purpose to develop this new product is also to give a solution for middle class entrepreneur to have their own digital accounting system with affordable price.


  1. A subscription based model business.
  2. Create a features such as:
    1. Cash (In / Out)
    2. Bank (In / Out)
    3. Sales
      1. Sales Order
      2. Invoicing
      3. Receive Payment
      4. Reporting
        1. Outstanding Invoices
        2. Aging Invoices
    4. Purchase
      1. Purchase Order
      2. Good Receive Notes (GRN)
      3. Invoicing
      4. Payment
      5. Reporting
        1. Outstanding Invoices
        2. Aging Invoices
    5. Accounting Journal
      1. General Journal
      2. Adjustment Entry
      3. Reporting
        1. Ledger
        2. Profit / Loss
        3. Balance Sheet
  3. User can create a organization (read: company), and then can in ga vite their employees to use and input the transaction at the platform.
  4. Design a database with multi-tenant based.
  5. Integration journal with our core app (operational for logistic/courier system app) with API’s

Tech Stacks:

  • VueJS
  • AdonisJS
  • PostgreSQL
